war is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Day They Told Us It Was 'Unacceptable to Think'

stop scowling and say youre sorry Decider!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


like the pockfaced teenager who has yet to venture beyond his unscrambled porn, october surprises came early this year. there are so many of them now we've lost count. one at the port, one at the federal building, another near the courthouse, seven planted all along wilshire. usually they end up to be nothing more than leftover vagrant droppings, a trail of sandwich crusts scattered among banana peels and whatever else comedians use as a prop. when will the constituents get a chance to breathe, to peruse their trusty voting guides (postage paid by Sacramento), to exercise that freedom our Decider's always hollering about? when will he put down that goddamn megaphone and let the hardhats get a word in edgewise?

of course the MSM calls these packages suspicious minutes before they deem them hoaxes -- but long enough for commuters and dock workers and overtime parents to have agonized over the quickest side streets to their kids. and so it goes with this administration's through-the-looking-glass doublespeak. "9/11" as its affectionately referred to (and who WOULDN'T want their Day of Infamy to be named after an emergency phone call?) was in the end an overt command to obey the color-coded nuances of our every darkest fear, plumes of pulverized WTC steel clouding our reason, the gloom of ash-laden street corners shrinking into almost no memory. it was not just the PNAC blank check we've all come to know and loathe, but even more sinister in the events of 2001 is its indisputable absoluteness; there is no argument against pandora's box. one either heeds history's omen or one opens her flaps and pays the price of civilization.

so blow your whistles and keep us running scared msnbcnnbcbs pant, pant, don't stop panting you network news monkeys about how we are 45 days and counting until those all-important midterm elections where diebold cranks out another squeaker ("how DID this country become so polarized??") and we all cheer hooray for democracy and democrats who will allegedly save the day because i dont know i guess they too have the letters D-E-M-O- in their party affiliation and that can't be all bad right? they wouldn't possibly change horses in midstream of this grand experiment we call the American Spelling Bee and finish those letters off with a N would they? seriously it's nothing but a coincidence that the pentagon shares its shape, symbol and topography with the Mark of the Beast -- the same sorta plum bad luck that has plagued the current administration literally from Hour One all the way up to the present day. and so fuck it if we've been on yellow or red or orange or whatever color screams danger the loudest alert, who cares? steel skyscraper collapse, providence flight 77, anthrax, shoe bombs, duct tape, bird flu, short-selling, florida, ohio, new orleans, dollar, euro, dick, rummy, condi, y'know, like, whatever.

pay no attention voters to the suspicious box near your neighborhood post office or downstairs in the lobby or outside your apartment window, don't give that tick tick tick tick tick tick another thought just turn up the volume on your kick-ass 80-inch plasma directTV hit fast forward and skip past the ads for Tide and life insurance because the mailman should be coming soon an unmarked box tucked under yet another fake publishers clearinghouse check and with it the chance if only for the brief blur of light between work and sleep to dream of something altogether less random.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

George Carlin: Who Really Owns America?

A refreshing dose of honesty in a world saturated with sales-pitch media and celebrity agendas. Once we can accept the truth and understand the American situation as it really is - and not some wham-bam cinematic agitprop which is all we seem to perpetuate in today's "culture" - then we can become responsible citizens and take matters into our own hands, electorate be damned.

Monday, July 31, 2006

American Debunking, or Does Anybody Have a Copy of 'The Onion' I Could Borrow?

na-na EVAN THOMAS your bias is showing...

Apparently 9/11 didn't change everything after all.

Evan Thomas, the celebrated Newsweek editor / pundit who has built an impressive literary career on thorough research and analysis has managed to squander his legitimacy in the blogosphere by editorializing not only the reportedly absent politics in oliver stone's WORLD TRADE CENTER, but also by crafting such a nationalistic flag-toting fluff piece as his 'How American Myths Are Made' in the latest issue of Newsweek.

My understanding of the film solely from various reviews i have read, along with a bootleg copy of the screenplay I managed to obtain -- though admittedly having not yet seen the film first-hand -- is that Stone does subtly introduce questionable occurrences from the official story into the narrative of the film, which for such a mainstream movie released by a major Hollywood studio under the very same administration that was in office during the event is an impressive victory in and of itself.

However, the problem with Thomas' condescending tone throughout his piece - while barely mentioning alternative points of view for no more than one graf, and even then with ridicule - speaks to the sad state of affairs mainstream American journalism finds itself in. While I certainly wouldn't expect Newsweek to be a mouthpiece for the 9/11 truth movement, I was clearly mistaken to believe they would still endeavor to uphold some semblance of investigatory virtue, or at the very least devote more than a few lines to an ever-growing movement largely comprised of the very working-class people Thomas was so quick to sanctify. It is this sort of pedantic theology that colors much of our mainstream media today, and ironically, has aided in creating the very kinds of mythology Thomas so vehemently defends in his piece.

Whatever side of the political aisle one resides, it has become painfully apparent that there are several problems with the official story of 9/11, and if Thomas were truly concerned with preserving the American tradition of pursuing truth and victory in the face of adversity, he would be supporting the questioning of the events of our 'day of infamy', if only in the name of disposing of useless mythology.

His editorial, unfortunately for his readers, was a missed opportunity. Shame on Newsweek.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry


Reindeer meat today is prized for its rich flavor, tenderness and low fat content. Reindeer in Alaska also have been used to carry passengers, supplies and mail.

Ecologist Greg Finstad, manager of the university's Reindeer Research Program, said there are more than 25 roving herds on the peninsula and several Alaska islands, as well as a handful of fenced operations in the interior.

Reindeer are a domesticated subspecies of caribou, generally shorter, rounder and less skittish than their wild cousins. However, scores of them have run off with the wild Western Arctic caribou herd.

As many as 225,000 caribou spend winters in the region, according to Finstad, who has worked with herders to study the fugitive reindeer problem, monitoring some of the animals with radio and satellite collars.

"We've found a high mortality rate in those animals that left. Reindeer don't survive very long in a caribou world," where they are subject to rigors they never had to endure as domestic animals, he said.

The researchers are working to develop supplemental feed for the animals using mostly Alaska-grown ingredients. They're also studying how diet affects the quality of meat and the effect of climate change on the herds.

University scientists have collaborated with researchers from Norway, Sweden and Finland -- where reindeer are raised by the Sami indigenous people.

Reindeer meat is occasionally cooked at a test kitchen on campus, sometimes rated by the public in consumer surveys or analyzed by an evaluation panel trained to measure such factors as taste, flavor, tenderness and juiciness.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas "Niggared" By Consumerism, Says Pope Guy

The Nativity scene helps us contemplate
the mystery of the love of God, which is
revealed to us in the poverty and simplicity of the
in Bethlehem.

Merry Xmas Simplicity! Feliz Navidad Poverty! i once knew a Santa Clause. i knew a Santa Clause of charity. i knew a Santa Clause of sick jokes. When the Santa Clause i knew used to bring our presents, a pair of shoes went for a little less than $100. Now it costs me a prayer. Now it costs me my moral lifeblood. Now even though its been at least 2 days since my last drop i have to stop slurping the water fountain in parking-level department stores and bow my head in silence while some employee recites Psalms over the p.a. system. This is a holiday? This is when people are on the best behavior? These are the saved?

Suggestion: lets cut the crap, Christmongrels. No more songs about ringing bells and saviors come and the motherfucking tannenbaum. Lets remove the muzzle. Lets feed the beast. Lets call the Christ Mas spade a spade and celebrate the High Holy One of

On my roof this morning the headline read QUALITY OF LIFE ERODES and the caption was a picture of the Hollywood sign. Today will be another bitch.