Christmas "Niggared" By Consumerism, Says Pope Guy

The Nativity scene helps us contemplate
the mystery of the love of God, which is
revealed to us in the poverty and simplicity of the
grotto in Bethlehem.
Merry Xmas Simplicity! Feliz Navidad Poverty! i once knew a Santa Clause. i knew a Santa Clause of charity. i knew a Santa Clause of sick jokes. When the Santa Clause i knew used to bring our presents, a pair of shoes went for a little less than $100. Now it costs me a prayer. Now it costs me my moral lifeblood. Now even though its been at least 2 days since my last drop i have to stop slurping the water fountain in parking-level department stores and bow my head in silence while some employee recites Psalms over the p.a. system. This is a holiday? This is when people are on the best behavior? These are the saved?
Suggestion: lets cut the crap, Christmongrels. No more songs about ringing bells and saviors come and the motherfucking tannenbaum. Lets remove the muzzle. Lets feed the beast. Lets call the Christ Mas spade a spade and celebrate the High Holy One of
On my roof this morning the headline read QUALITY OF LIFE ERODES and the caption was a picture of the Hollywood sign. Today will be another bitch.
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